Wednesday, August 21, 2019

New Artist on the Block

Greetings 40 West neighborhood and beyond! I'm the new Artist in Residence with the 40 West Creative Arts District in Lakewood. For those who don't know what this means, I have been given a year long residence in an apartment building in this creative district to live, create, and share with the residents and greater community. I hope to keep this blog to document the activities and process photos, keeping everyone informed of the transformative impact the arts can have on a community.

The following photos are a compilation of art walks around my new hood, some studio photos, and my recent birthday party.

My studio is getting set up... shoe organizers holding up my wool collection

The light rail from my window

Potential workshop samples... wooly mandalas and felted soaps

So neat being right on the green line Art Line!

Reconnecting with friends and family on my birthday... 40 @ 40 West!
My brother leading a Sol LeWitt inspired drawing
The drawing reinstalled in my flat. Stop by for a visit and doodle!

Craving Connection

Craving Connection With the residency now coming to a close, I prepare for a show at the gallery. I don't anticipate much of an aud...